Origin of its name
The district was originally named 'Las Conchas' after a local river (now known as the ‘Reconquista River’), but became popularly known as 'Tigre' in the 19th century.
There are various stories of why the district of Las Conchas changed its name to the current 'Tigre'. One of the well known and credible versions is that during a great southeasterly wind back in 1830, an American tiger (which was actually a Yaguareté, but at that time the inhabitants did not know that it was not a tiger) arrived on the shores above thick layers of water hyacinths. The tiger represented a threat to the population so it was hunted (apparently the hunter was Milberg himself). From that moment on, the place would be forever associated with this account, so the Deliberating Council renamed the area as 'District of Tigre' in 1952.
Coat of arms
The coat of arms of the District of Tigre was created by the visual artist Juan Carlos Moretti, resident of this city, who represented ‘all the symbolic elements of the site’.The original version is ‘a work made directly with a chisel on a bronze plate’.
Coat of arms description:The coat of arms has an oval shape, is cut and half split. It is divided into 3 sections:
- The first upper section shows the Yaguareté, an animal that was abundant in the region, according to data provided by its inhabitants and gave rise to the name of the district, the city and the river. The trees that surround the river represent the fertility of the soil, one of the main treasures of the location.
- The second section, the district, placed on the bottom left of the coat of arms, shows ‘factories and tools that are the patrimony of the good man, illuminated by the rising sun as a symbol of prosperity that crowns the effort’.
- The third section displays a great variety of fruits that ‘represents their abundance’. The coat of arms is framed by the parchment sheets, as a symbol of the antiquity of the place.